Building on books: Scout project brings book-sharing box
Thanks to fifteen-year-old Eagle Scout Henry Prewitt, there's a new structure on the Meridian Community College campus - a book-sharing box, Little Free Library.
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Thanks to fifteen-year-old Eagle Scout Henry Prewitt, there's a new structure on the Meridian Community College campus - a book-sharing box, Little Free Library.
Husband and wife duo Elliot Brewer and Betsy Mitchell Brewer began their collegiate journey at Meridian Community College, paving the way for successful careers in the educational arena.
In a unique training approach, Lauderdale County Emergency Management Agency (LEMA) officials found a different venue to prepare personnel for water emergencies - MCC's Damon Fitness Center Pool.
As the Meridian Main Street director for the EMBDC, Matt Schanrock is making an impact on his community, spearheading and directing Main Street's priorities of organization, design, economic vitality, and promotion.
As a class assistant, Alexis Crawford is helping youths craft memories thanks to MCC's summer program, College 4 Kids. "I love kids. I think they are the sweetest things ever. And I love crafting," she said.