Welcome from the President
Dr. Thomas M. Huebner, Jr., Meridian Community College President.
Whether you are entering college for the first time, transferring from another institution, coming back to finish something you've already started, re-training for a new opportunity, or formulating a new vision for your future, the best choice you can make is Meridian Community College.
Our faculty and staff are well-qualified, excellent, and absolutely committed to helping
you meet your educational goals. We have long been known for our outstanding academic
transfer program. For decades, in fact, our students have been among the most successful
transfer students in Mississippi. The quality of teaching at MCC helps expand horizons
and open doors, and we're proud of our track record of excellence.
Whether you need courses to help you adjust to the higher education environment or
are a high-performing student with an interest in MCC's Phil Hardin Honors College,
our instructors are focused on helping you meet your educational goals. Similarly,
if you are coming to MCC with a desire to prepare for direct entry into the workforce,
you will find incredible opportunities in healthcare-related fields, manufacturing-focused
areas of study, or a wide array of programs that will expose you to outstanding career
opportunities in our community, our state, and our region.
I encourage you to talk to members of our faculty and staff. We can help you discover
what you need to meet your career and educational goals. As the President of Meridian
Community College, I am confident that HERE is where you can find your wings.
Go Eagles!

Thomas M. Huebner, Jr., Ph.D.
President | Meridian Community College