Adult Education
The Adult Education (AE) program at MCC is a FREE service that provides adults the opportunity to develop and build the basic skills necessary to function more effectively as members of society through improved educational skills, high school equivalency (HSE) completion, workforce readiness, and transitional skills for post-secondary education. MCC Adult Education also offer basic reading, math, and writing refresher skills for individuals who already hold a high school diploma but may have deficiencies in one or more of these areas.
HSE Prep Classes provide students with the necessary instruction to take the high
school equivalency test (GED or HiSET). Instruction is delivered in a variety of formats
that include group, individualized, hybrid, and online.
Classes are taught at the Ralph E. Young Center and several locations throughout the
community. Classes are offered in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
Literacy Classes are available for adults who need to learn to read or need to improve
their basic reading skills. We have small learning groups with students on the same
educational skill level. An assessment is given to determine the appropriate plan
of instruction. These classes are available in the morning and evening.
Literary Week
MCC's Adult Education program celebrated literary week by hosting an open house of the Adult Basic Education building.
The Smart Start Class focuses on essential skills needed to become work or career-ready for middle-skill level employment by addressing the needs identified by employers. The students will develop job skills necessary for their careers, learn and practice good work habits and effective communication skills necessary for successful employment.
Smart Start students are prepared to take the WorkKeys test, which includes: Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents, that qualifies students for the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC). Employers seek candidates with an NCRC regardless of the candidate’s educational background. The certificate signals to employers that students have the skills necessary to be effective in a job.