Institutional Effectiveness
It is the goal of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Accountability to provide the leadership of the institution with data necessary to make informed decisions, so as to guide the institution in meeting established goals. Primary forms of data provided include the annual Report Card, Non-financial Performance Indicators, and Workforce Metrics. Click on a link below to view the data.
Meridian Community College is a two year public institution of Higher Learning in the state of Mississippi, and as such, is funded through an appropriation bill set forth by the Mississippi State Legislature. Since the 1996 fiscal year, the appropriation bill each year has included performance targets for a set of performance measures reported annually by each college or university. Although the outcomes were reported each year, the performance measures had no bearing on funding. In 2012, the Mississippi State Legislature passed a bill to establish the Education Achievement Council (EAC), whose primary role was to research and develop a new funding mechanism for community colleges and institutions of higher learning based on productivity. As a result of the work of the EAC, new non-financial performance indicators were established and incorporated into the annual appropriation bill. Currently, a funding formula based on the new performance indicators has not been established but is expected to be established in future fiscal years.
In addition to the non-financial performance indicators embedded in the appropriation bill, Meridian Community College has established additional measures of performance to be submitted with the Mississippi Budget Request (MBR). Both sets of indicators are included in the link below.
The Mississippi Community College Board requires community colleges in Mississippi to report data from Workforce Education (Career and Technical) programs on student achievement. This data includes technical skill attainment; credential, certificate, or diploma attainment; student retention or transfer outcomes; and student placement. Benchmarks are set by the MCCB; programs that do not meet a benchmark are put on a Program Improvement Plan. Click on a link below to view a report.
2022-23 Perkins District Summary Report
In addition to the indicators measured on the Perkins Report, Meridian Community College also measures both First-Write and Cumulative pass rates for Health Education programs. These programs include Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Medical Laboratory, Health Information, Medical Assisting, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care Practitioner, Physical Therapist Assistant, Surgical Technology, Associate Degree Nursing, and Practical Nursing. Click on a link below to view a report.

For more information:
Valerie Bishop, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness