MCC offers the University Transfer Program for students who plan to transfer to a four-year institution. The University Transfer Program is parallel to the courses taken by freshmen and sophomores at universities and senior colleges. Students who plan to continue their studies at a university should secure a catalog from that school so that their schedules can be formatted to parallel the senior institution’s curriculum.
The University Transfer Associate in Arts degree consists of a series of core courses and a selection of transferable courses based on the student’s desired major. Generally, one-half of the hours required for a bachelor’s degree may be transferred from a community college to apply to a degree at a senior institution.
While there are no programs designed for transfer to senior institutions that require a minimum ACT score for admission, the following is a guide for placement in most general education courses at MCC:
Attain a 17 composite score on the ACT. (Some courses require higher for placement purposes.); or
Score 70 or higher on the ACCUPLACER Reading Section; or
Earn a “C” or above in Intermediate English and Reading (ENG 0124); or
Complete 15 semester hours with a “C” average or above at an accredited college or university. Developmental courses do not satisfy this requirement.
The Associate in Arts (AA) Degree is awarded to students who complete the 38-semester hour Core Curriculum for University Transfer and also complete additional 22 semester hours in approved transferable courses.
Note: Career & Technical Education courses will not count towards the AA degree.
English Composition I & II (6 Hours)
College Mathematics (3 Hours)
- MAT 1313 - College Algebra 3 Hours
- MAT 1323 - Trigonometry 3 Hours
- MAT 1613 - Calculus I 3 Hours
Science with Lab (8 Hours)
- BIO 1113 - Principles of Biology I, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 1111 - Principles of Biology I, Laboratory 1 Hour - BIO 1123 - Principles of Biology II, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 1121 - Principles of Biology II, Laboratory 1 Hour - BIO 1133 - General Biology I, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 1131 - General Biology I, Laboratory 1 Hour - BIO 1143 - General Biology II, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 1141 - General Biology II, Laboratory 1 Hour - BIO 1313 - Botany I, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 1311 - Botany I, Laboratory 1 Hour - BIO 1533 - Survey of Anatomy and Physiology, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 1531 - Survey of Anatomy and Physiology, Laboratory 1 Hour - BIO 2413 - Zoology I, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 2411 - Zoology I, Laboratory 1 Hour - BIO 2423 - Zoology II, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 2421 - Zoology II, Laboratory 1 Hour - BIO 2513 - Anatomy and Physiology I, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 2511 - Anatomy and Physiology I, Laboratory 1 Hour - BIO 2523 - Anatomy and Physiology II, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 2521 - Anatomy and Physiology II, Laboratory 1 Hour - BIO 2923 - Microbiology, Lecture 3 Hours
AND BIO 2921 - Microbiology, Laboratory 1 Hour - CHE 1113 - Chemistry Survey, Lecture 3 Hours
AND CHE 1111 - Chemistry Survey, Laboratory 1 Hour - CHE 1213 - General Chemistry I, Lecture 3 Hours
AND CHE 1211 - General Chemistry I, Laboratory 1 Hour - CHE 1223 - General Chemistry II, Lecture 3 Hours
AND CHE 1221 - General Chemistry II, Laboratory 1 Hour - PHY 2243 - Physical Science I, Lecture 3 Hours
AND PHY 2241 - Physical Science I, Laboratory 1 Hour - PHY 2253 - Physical Science II, Lecture 3 Hours
AND PHY 2251 - Physical Science II, Laboratory 1 Hour - PHY 2413 - General Physics I, Lecture 3 Hours
AND PHY 2411 - General Physics I, Laboratory 1 Hour - PHY 2423 - General Physics II, Lecture 3 Hours
AND PHY 2411 - General Physics I, Laboratory 1 Hour - PHY 2515 - General Physics I-A, Lecture and Laboratory 5 Hours
- PHY 2525 - General Physics II-A, Lecture and Laboratory 5 Hours
Mathematics/Science Elective (3-4 Hours)
- Any math course numbered higher than MAT 1313 - College Algebra
- Any science w/lab course listed above.
Public Speaking (3 Hours)
Humanities (6 Hours)
- ENG 2223 - American Literature I 3 Hours
- ENG 2233 - American Literature II 3 Hours
- ENG 2323 - British Literature I 3 Hours
- ENG 2333 - British Literature II 3 Hours
- ENG 2423 - World Literature I 3 Hours
- ENG 2433 - World Literature II 3 Hours
- HIS 1613 - African-American History 3 Hours
- HIS 1163 - World Civilizations I 3 Hours
- HIS 1173 - World Civilizations II 3 Hours
- HIS 2213 - American (U.S.) History I 3 Hours
- HIS 2223 - American (U.S.) History II 3 Hours
- HUM 1113 - Humanities 3 Hours
- MFL (Elementary or Intermediate French or Spanish)
- PHI (any Philosophy course)
Fine Arts (3 Hours)
- ART 1113 - Art Appreciation 3 Hours
- MUS 1113 - Music Appreciation 3 Hours
- MUS 1133 - Fundamentals of Music 3 Hours
- SPT 2233 - Theater Appreciation 3 Hours
Social/Behavioral Sciences (6 Hours)
- CRJ 1313 - Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 Hours
- ECO 2113 - Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Hours
- ECO 2123 - Principles of Microeconomics 3 Hours
- EPY 2523 - Adolescent Psychology 3 Hours
- EPY 2533 - Human Growth and Development 3 Hours
- GEO 1123 - Principles of Geography 3 Hours
- PSC 1113 - American National Government 3 Hours
- PSY 1513 - General Psychology 3 Hours
- PSY 2523 - Adolescent Psychology 3 Hours
- SOC 2113 - Introduction to Sociology 3 Hours
- SOC 2133 - Social Problems 3 Hours
- SOC 2143 - Marriage and Family 3 Hours
- SOC 2213 - Introductory SOC Anthropology 3 Hours
The Phil Hardin Foundation Honors College
*University Transfer students who plan to transfer to a public institution of higher
learning in Mississippi are encouraged to use the MS Articulation and Transfer Tool
(MATT) website to determine what courses are needed for their major. MATT is located
at Students MUST consult the current catalog of the institution to which they intend
to transfer for specific requirements. No baccalaureate degrees are awarded at Meridian
Community College.

Dr. Chadwick Graham, Dean