Michelle Hampton-Thompson: November MCCer of the Month
Working at MCC for a decade, Hampton-Thompson started her MCC career with the Best Early Education Practices program and is now the project and grant manager in Workforce Development arena.
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Working at MCC for a decade, Hampton-Thompson started her MCC career with the Best Early Education Practices program and is now the project and grant manager in Workforce Development arena.
Whitney Ross Stevens has taken on the role of Meridian Community College Director of Financial Aid.
"If you are a student, a staff member, or a faculty member with a 'closet artist' label, now is the time to let your light shine," said Terrell Nicholson-Taylor, art instructor and curator for the exhibit.
MCC's National First-Generation College Celebration Day brought attention to the College's students who are navigating collegiate waters for the first time.
Preparing for a new school year means more than just getting a new backpack and tennis shoes. For MCC faculty, staff, and administration, getting ready for a new year started with convocation - a first for the College.