ELC members gain skills in conflict resolutions
Dr. Lavon Gray, CEO of Blue OCI Health Index, spoke to the MCC Eagle Leadership Convocation Class for the December session.
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Dr. Lavon Gray, CEO of Blue OCI Health Index, spoke to the MCC Eagle Leadership Convocation Class for the December session.
Adams, who began working at the College in June as a hall director, is now the lead coordinator of housing and student activities and has taken on the task of planning fun and safe events for students to enjoy on campus.
MCC students Jashayla Clemons and India Whittle tried on their graduation gowns and mortar board caps to prepare for the Friday, Dec. 9, commencement ceremony.
At Meridian Community College we have so much to be thankful for. Happy Holidays from MCC!
A friendly competition between MCC and MSU-Meridian was cooked up for who could collect the most canned foods for this food drive; donations were to add to Hope Village and MCC's food pantries.