Building relationships on and off campus
Personnel with MCC's Culinary Arts Technology Program and Threefoot hotel partnered for a special event on the MCC campus to showcase the program and the business's offerings.
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Personnel with MCC's Culinary Arts Technology Program and Threefoot hotel partnered for a special event on the MCC campus to showcase the program and the business's offerings.
His strong work ethic and easy-going manner has earned MCC Production Specialist Jet Scarbrough MCCer of the Month.
Paul Ford wears many hats. He's a businessman, a pastor, a student, a surgical assistant. He's also Meridian Community College's new Surgical Technology Program coordinator and instructor.
MCC's Liftoff orientation sessions are preparing to help future MCCers get their wings. Four separate sessions are planned for July 19, July 27, Aug. 4, and Aug. 12.
Clay, executive assistant to MCC President Dr. Thomas Huebner, has worked at the College for four years. She counts working with Dr. Huebner, the Cabinet, and the Board of Trustees as the most enjoyable aspect of her job.