MCC Candy Cruise Around the Track set for Oct. 27

Meridian Community College's Halloween treat is around the corner and this year it’s
Candy Cruise Around the Track.
This community trick-or-treats outreach event will be held at the College’s Track on Thursday, Oct. 27. The fun starts at 5:30 p.m. and continues until 7:30 p.m. Tents will be placed around the track and guests will move from tent to tent for treats. Attendees can park in front of the Damon Fitness Center and Graham Gymnasium as well as Ivy-Scaggs Hall parking lots.
The Eagle's Nest Bookstore is responsible for organizing and planning this free event, with preparations beginning in July to ensure every detail is covered. Campus departments, groups, and teams are involved, and other groups of MCCers distribute candy.
Also new this year is special needs early accessibility from 5-5:30 p.m. A pass is needed for this set time and can be obtained by contacting Jan Murphy, bookstore manager, at 601.484.8614.