MCCers meet with government officials
Meridian Community College students, faculty, and staff members got into legislative action by visiting Mississippi lawmakers during the state's 2023 legislative session.
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Meridian Community College students, faculty, and staff members got into legislative action by visiting Mississippi lawmakers during the state's 2023 legislative session.
MCC and MSU-Meridian went head-to-head in a friendly canned food drive competition. Both schools were determined to contribute the most cans and receive a trophy and bragging rights.
Tuesday, Jan. 31, is the deadline for MCC faculty and staff members to submit their complete application for the MCC Foundation Course Grants for Spring Semester 2023.
Artists, family members of artists, College faculty and staff, students, and community guests turned out for the opening reception of the first Casteel Gallery show for 2023.
A wide variety of artistic works will take the spotlight when the exhibit, "Express Yourself! Selected Work from Our MCC Community: Our Family Has Talent," opens Thursday, Jan. 26.