MCCers meet with government officials
At the Capitol are, from left, Sen. Rod Hickman, Joseph Knight, Dr. Tom Huebner, Lori
Smith, Lucy Lamberth, Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann, Maggie Freeman, Brandi Pickett, Jasmyne
McDonald, Brett Gordon, and Sen. Jeff Tate.
Meridian Community College students, faculty, and staff members got into legislative
action by visiting Mississippi lawmakers during the state’s 2023 legislative session.
The MCCers advocated for community colleges because of the critical role community colleges play.
Legislators Rod Hickman and Jeff Tate and Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann met with the MCC group that included MCC President Dr. Tom Huebner; Lori Smith, MCC dean of workforce education; Joseph Knight, MCC vice president for workforce solutions; Brandi Pickett, coordinator and instructor of the wellness and fitness division and an officer with the Mississippi Faculty Association for Community and Junior Colleges; and Lucy Lamberth, MCC director of workforce grants and development. MCC students Maggie Freeman, Jasmyne McDonald, and Brett Gordon, members of the MCC Ivy League Student Recruiting team, also got the chance to talk to government officials.
According to the Mississippi Community College Board statistics, about 97,000 students attended the 15 Mississippi public community colleges annually. There are more than 250 programs of study throughout the system.