Nursing, paramedic skills prove beneficial to deputy
Since he was four years old, Lauderdale County Sheriff's Deputy Sam Upchurch has known he wanted to work in law enforcement.
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Since he was four years old, Lauderdale County Sheriff's Deputy Sam Upchurch has known he wanted to work in law enforcement.
For Tracee Wilson, the road to success comes a mile at a time. She's currently a driver for APAC-Mississippi, an asphalt paving and construction materials company. "I really like it," she said of her job.
Meridian Community College graduate Dr. Krista LeBrun uses her passion for education and love for technology to support Mississippi's community colleges in bringing distance education classes and training to their students.
After working more than two decades as a radiologic technologist, Meridian Community College alumnus Matt Heblon now enjoys sharing his health care experience and expertise with students studying diagnostic imaging procedures.
Addie Winters, MCC alumna, received accolades as Mississippi's 2020 New Century Scholar.