Team work making the dream work
MCC's Precision Machining Engineering Technology Program students and MSU's mechanical engineering students joined in Design Build Collaboration Challenge for ProjectMFG, a Department of Defense initiative.
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MCC's Precision Machining Engineering Technology Program students and MSU's mechanical engineering students joined in Design Build Collaboration Challenge for ProjectMFG, a Department of Defense initiative.
MCC's first L(able)d: Celebrating Unity program was held this week and featured student speakers and an alumna's keynote address, focused on highlighting capabilities instead of disabilities.
MCC students, staff, faculty, administration, alums, and community residents participated in the second annual Tanya Renia Ocampo Memorial Walk, which was held at MCC's track.
College 4 Kids is quickly approaching! The Summer Experience of 2023 is set for June 5-9 and June 12-16 at MCC. Online registration begins Sunday, April 23, at 2 p.m.; the registration deadline is May 24.
Thanks to MCC and the Gene Haas Foundation, 20 students will have the opportunity to receive a $2,000 scholarship to be used at MCC's Precision Machining Engineering Technology.