The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) presents an extraordinary opportunity to improve job and career options for our nation’s
workers and job candidates through an integrated, job-driven public workforce system
that links diverse talent to businesses. The Mississippi Department of Employment
Security offers approved job training activities for adults, dislocated workers, and
youth through contract with the state’s four workforce areas.
For specific eligibility criteria, contact MCC’s WIOA Case Manager at the Meridian WIN Job Center or call 601.553.9531.
- WIOA Training Assistance
Training assistance is available for approved programs. This includes tuition, books, and some program associated fees. - WIOA Supportive Services
Supportive Services are available for students who are WIOA eligible. - WIOA Internships
Internship opportunities are available for students who are WIOA eligible.
*Funded through Twin Districts Workforce Investment Area/SMPDD
Students in approved Career Tech programs may apply for the WIOA grant during these
dates if they are attending for the summer term. Students may pick up an enrollment packet at the WIN Job Center. Students may also
request a packet via email by sending an email that includes their name, program,
and county of residence to shannon.coleman@meridiancc.edu.
- Note: Students in two-year programs (or longer) must complete their first semester before applying.