Career STEP Program
Eligibility Requirements
Must live in Twin District's Workforce Area
Must be between ages 18-59
Must not be currently enrolled in high school
Household income not exceeding 200% of the federal poverty level
Must be either a custodial or noncustodial parent (with a support obligation) of a dependent child(ren)
Must complete eligibility process prior to start of course/program
Must register and prepay course fee (noncredit courses only). Refunds will be issued if eligible for this program.
Funding based on need up to $5,000
Qualifying Programs of Study
Note - CareerSTEP assistance will only be provided in programs one-year or less in
length. Programs longer than one year must have a completion/exit point at one year
or less. No assistance is provided beyond the first year. Students receiving assistance
must receive their credential and/or one year certificate.
Workforce/Continuing Education
Basic Welding
Cabinetry and Woodworking
Hair Braiding
Career and Technical Education
Commercial Truck Driving*
Construction Trades
Emergency Medical Technician
Healthcare Assistant (CNA)
Utility Lineman
Courses with an asterisk (*) require completion of a WIOA-ETPL Application prior to CareerSTEP funding eligibility determination.

Michelle Thompson
Project & Grants Manager