MCCer of the Month: Jet Scarbrough

At the celebration for Jet Scarbrough being named MCCer of the Month are Theresa Hogan, left, Diane Wells, Kay Thomas, Brandy Hill, Leia
Hill, Scarbrough, Amy Miller, Joy Smith, Matthew Milner, Amanda Bratu, and Tony Boutwell.
MCC Production Specialist Jet Scarbrough learned the value of work early from his dad and the family construction business.
Driving trucks and heavy equipment in yards and other places where the business was operating, Scarbrough began helping when his feet could reach the pedals. "Which, for me, that was pretty young," he said.
"My dad taught me that hard work will not hurt you, and it works best to do it the right way the first time," Scarbrough said.
It's that strong work ethic and Scarbrough's easy-going manner that has earned him the MCCer of the Month recognition. Leia Agnew Hill, vice president for institutional advancement and executive director of the MCC Foundation, noted Scarbrough had received more MCCer of the Month nominations than anyone since her involvement with the Foundation.
"Across this campus, Jet is recognized as an exemplary employee; more than that, he is just an outstanding person. He is knowledgeable, personable, respectful, kind, and likable. From the beginning of his employment here at MCC, people have stopped me to compliment Jet and his work ethic, abilities, and willingness to go above and beyond every time he is called for assistance," Hill added.
The MCC Foundation sponsors this monthly award to exemplify the College's hardworking employees who go above and beyond their job duties. In addition to a commemorative plaque, honorees are given a $250 cash award.
Often seen helping around campus, Scarbrough said one of the best aspects of his job is getting to know and help colleagues he encounters daily. "The favorite part is that we can find a solution when problems arise. It always works better when it works as it should," he said.
Scarbrough, who has worked at MCC for a little more than two years, said, "there are so many awesome people that are employed here; it makes it enjoyable to come to work."
Hill added she values Scarbrough as an employee, team member, and friend. "His opinion is one I trust and seek out often. I am so proud to be able to recognize Jet in this way; it is well-deserved and long overdue," she said.
Scarbrough has taken classes at MCC and Mississippi State University-Meridian along life's way, though MCC wasn't his first higher education choice. "After graduating from Clarkdale High School, I went to that 'other' college – what was then East Mississippi Junior College," he said.
He and his wife Rachael have two adult children, daughter Malley and son Reed. Both are alumni of MCC. Reed and his wife Pricilla "have an amazing 2-and-a-half-year-old little girl that has her 'Pops' wrapped around her little finger," he said.
And when he's not working on campus, Scarbrough digs deeper into one of many of his hobbies, including carpentry and auto machinery. "I'm building a covered patio right now and hope to one day complete it," he added.