Hannah Glardon named MCCer of the Month

At the MCCer of the Month celebration are, from left, Dr. Tom Huebner, Whitney Stevens, Janet Parrett, Hannah Glardon, Dr. Leia Hill, Deborah Oldham, and Dr. Cedric Gathings.

An alumna and a staff member, Hannah Glardon is passionate about assisting students transition from high school to college. 

“I love being able to help,” she said about her job as registrar’s specialist at Meridian Community College. 

Her commitment to serving others has been noted, for Glardon has been selected as MCCer of the Month for August. The MCC Foundation sponsors the MCCer of the Month award, which honors employees who go above and beyond. Recipients are peer-nominated and are given a $250 prize and a commemorative plaque. 

Described by colleagues as being tech-savvy and organized, Glardon is also among the first faces visitors to the campus encounter since her office desk faces a main thoroughfare in Ivy-Scaggs Hall. “Hannah is a quiet person and is always willing to support and help in any way asked,” said Deborah Oldham, registrar and Glardon’s immediate supervisor. “She is a wonderful customer service provider,” she added. 

A native of Union, Glardon started at MCC as a student worker in the College’s Workforce Development area. She holds an associate of applied science degree in Business Office Management. 

“I love that MCC is family-friendly,” she added. 

Glardon has a special connection to the College beyond her post in the registrar’s office. She met her husband at MCC eight years ago, and the two recently welcomed their first child, Deacon Alexander. 

To learn more, visit meridiancc.edu/mccerofthemonth.