MCC Hair Braiding Class completes fall term
At the completion ceremony are Rickkitta Micheau, instructor, left, Alesciar Portis,
Jacqueline Clayton, Shirah Robinson, Teundra Jones, Termeshia Landrum, and Yolanda
Six Meridian Community College Workforce Development students recently celebrated the completion of the 12-week hair braiding class, where they mastered various techniques and skills essential to the art of hair braiding.
Hair braiding is a skill that has been practiced for thousands of years and is used for both practical and creative reasons. Braids can show cultural traditions and social status or reflect someone's style.
The class consisted of six weeks of beginning and six weeks of advanced training, offering hands-on instruction and guidance on Monday and Wednesday evenings, allowing students to become proficient in this specialized craft.
Participants Alesciar Portis, Jacqueline Clayton, Shirah Robinson, Teundra Jones, Termeshia Landrum, and Yolanda Chaney received a Certificate of Completion from MCC, qualifying them to register with the Mississippi Department of Health. The class, designed for beginners, was led by Rickkitta Micheau and was facilitated by MCC's Workforce Development team.
For more information about future classes, contact Michelle Thompson, workforce project and grants manager, at 601.553.3484 or