E.L.C. continues with interactive sessions

Mandy Hurtt, Mitch Brantley, Brandy Hill, and Whitney Stevens make their points during
the presentation.
Ten MCCers are getting to know each other better while honing their personal and professional skills, such as engaging an audience thanks to the Eagles Leadership Convocation – E.L.C.
This professional development and leadership program began in August and is continuing through May 2023 with participants Tony Boutwell, director of visual media; Mitch Brantley, guitar instructor; Cyndy Bratu, administrative assistant to the chief financial officer; An Howard Hill, Culinary Arts Technology Program coordinator and instructor; Brandy Hill, Foundation accountant II; Mandy Hurtt, director of recruiting; Victoria Liddell, Out of School Youth director and navigator; Whitney Stevens, financial aid director; Marlo Turner, payroll manager; and Kristi Williamson, circulation/catalog librarian.
Guest speaker Mandi Stanley, the first Mississippian to earn the certified speaking professional designation, led the group in a communication strategies discussion sharing how to organize thoughts and not ramble and offering tips to control body language. "She pointed out some habits I have that I didn't realize when I talked to people,” said Hill.
"I’m enjoying the E.L.C. program. The sessions are fun and interactive, and I am learning a lot about myself and ways to improve to become a better co-worker and leader," Brandy added.
E.L.C.'s next session is Tuesday, Dec. 6, focusing on conflict resolution and critical thinking problem solving by Dr. Lavon Gray, another certified speaking professional from Mississippi. Dr. Gray spoke at the College's Fall conference earlier this year.
After completing the nine-month program, E.L.C. participants will receive a $500 stipend.