Helping others motivates giving at blood drive

Alanna Garza waits her turn to donate blood. This was the second time this semester
the College hosted an on-campus blood drive.
In this season of giving thanks, Meridian Community College students, staff, and faculty members rolled up their shirt sleeves and opened their arms to give blood during the College's blood drive.
Vitalant serviced the drive.
MCC sophomore Alanna Garza, studying in the Dental Hygiene Program, made it a point to donate blood – this was the second time this semester for her to do so. "I like helping wherever I can,” said the 27-year-old from Collinsville.
The reason of helping motivated Theresa Hogan, MCC scholarship and alumni relations coordinator, to give, too. She's been donating blood for years. "I know this makes a difference," she said. Statistics show one unit of blood can save four lives.
Brandon Dewease, MCC associate dean for student engagement, was pleased with the donation efforts and said the next campus blood drive will be held during Spring Semester 2023.