Becoming Victor: Hopkins takes on mascot role

Justin HopkinsHe’s there for the hugs, high-fives, fist-bumps, and photo ops. And he’s there for the first day of classes, ball games, graduations, and camps. 

Victor the Eagle, MCC’s mascot, is more than a familiar figure on campus and in the community; he’s a goodwill ambassador for the College. MCC sophomore Justin Hopkins knows first-hand – or first wing –  Victor’s role because when he dons the suit of foam, fir, and fluff, Hopkins is Victor. 

Hopkins, 19, of Meridian, is a student in the 3D Cad Engineering Program who plans to earn his associate of applied science degree in May 2023. Earlier this year, when a classmate who then served as Victor was approaching graduation, he asked Hopkins if he wanted to try out for the position. “I said, ‘Absolutely.’” 

Not sure of what the position entailed and never having mascot experience, Hopkins said, “I wanted to have fun and figure it out. The moment I got into the suit, a switch went off,” he said. 

“It’s been a blast,” said Hopkins who also serves as a member of the Ivy League Recruiters, the College’s recruiting corps. 

Victor poses for a photo with College 4 Kids camper Dakota Coleman. Victor, who doesn’t speak, gets a wide array of reactions when he appears. “The younger kids are terrified or surprised to find that I’m fluffy. Some are a little rough,” he said. High school and college students often approach Victor for fun and photos. 

While wearing the suit, Hopkins noted his vision inside is limited to an iPhone-size screen that’s centered inside the head, and if someone approaches him out of his sight, he has to guess where that person is. “If it’s a kid just wanting to get a hug for a picture, all I have to do is look down and see. It’s hard to do when you have 50 people looking down your back and you can’t see,” he said. 

There’s a small fan inside Victor’s suit; Hopkins wears a necklace-style cooling unit on him. “If I’m careful, I can easily overheat myself or dehydrate,” he said. 

Hopkins knows that the life of a mascot carries a lot of weight and responsibility – and others notice his commitment. "Justin is without question one of the hardest working recruiters I’ve had the opportunity to work with," said Brandon Dewease, associate dean of student engagement.   

“His role as Victor is fantastic. It is so fun to watch the absolute best parts of Justin come alive in Victor. He's quick with a dance, a high five or to pose for a picture. Victor is an easy transition for Justin, one is just an amplified version of the other,” Dewease added. 

Hopkins said he had been told the eagle mascot suit was basically made for him. “I’m going to hate to see it go when I graduate because this is one of the biggest parts of MCC for me.”