Breast Cancer Ambassador Cassandra Tyson: Health crisis strengthens faith

Cassandra Tyson
Editor’s note: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to bring focus on this disease that affects both women and men, Meridian Community College's chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international academic honor society for community and junior college students, will host the Queen City Race for Life and Street Strut Saturday, Oct. 22, beginning at 8 a.m. at the College's Damon Fitness Center. The event pays tribute to breast cancer survivors, increases breast cancer awareness, and raises funds for the Anderson Cancer Patient Benevolence Fund.
The chapter honors four ambassadors this year, Ronnie Key, Terrey Roberts, Cindy Scott, and Cassandra Tyson. Roberts, Scott, and Tyson are breast cancer survivors; Key was his wife's caregiver, who succumbed to breast cancer. All expressed their faith as instrumental in their journeys.
Cassandra Tyson shared her thoughts about her experience in her words:
At 51 years of age, I was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer. It never occurred to me that my routine mammogram would detect cancer. The news was alarming. Tremendous fear overtook me. As tears streamed down my face, a voice softly reminded me. “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed for I am your God…" Isaiah 41:10
The following day my husband drove us to the surgeon's office. As we walked toward the office door, my husband caught my hand. I whispered to him; this is not a death sentence. We’ll get through this too. After all, I had retired from teaching nine years prior because of a health issue.
My treatment plan ensued with surgery, six weeks of radiation treatments, and aftercare with my husband as a caretaker. As each health problem has come over the years, I’m always reminded of that day. Most of all, remembering, Isaiah 41:10.
Each life/health crisis has strengthened my faith and deepened my walk with my Lord. These victories opened doors, which, afforded me more opportunities to serve in encouraging others to trust His healing power, sharing my journey, and solidifying my love for Christ.