Meet Chloe Smith

Chloe SmithChloe Smith is making the most of her time at MCC.  

"I really, really love it here. I'm in several different organizations," the 19-year-old sophomore from Collinsville said, adding, "And I found places to fit in and to serve my community here that I would not have had if I had gone to a senior college first." 

Smith is embracing her time at MCC; she's an officer in MCC's chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international academic honor society for community colleges, a member of the Phil Hardin Foundation Honors College at Meridian Community College, an Ivy League student recruiter, MCC Choir, MCC Dimensions. Smith is also a University Transfer student with a 4.0 grade point average. 

She has received scholarships, including the Waters Family Scholarship funded through the MCC Foundation, an Honors College, PTK scholarships, and the Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant. 

With her sights set on graduating from MCC in May and enrolling at the University of Southern Mississippi, Smith plans to pursue a career in speech pathology – a profession her mom has. Her interest in the field was sparked by a dyslexia therapist who said, "Communication is a civil right." Though Smith once thought she wouldn't pursue anything in the medical field, those words changed her path. 

How does Smith balance classwork and activities? "My priority is my school work and everything else; I try to do what I can," she said. Outside of school, Smith is active in her church, where she helps lead a shoebox program at New Harvest. When not busy with school or church, she enjoys reading. 

When asked about the best part of her MCC experience, Smith credits the people. "It's our faculty and staff. Everybody is super nice, from our president to our custodial staff. Everybody is going to meet you with a smile," she said. 

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