Driven to help others

Adult Education Department staffers with their donations. The department was one of many participating in the drive to
restock the College’s food pantry.
Meridian Community College students, faculty, and staff are driven – especially when
replenishing the College's food pantry.
Thanks to MCCers' efforts, more than 2,300 items were collected during a recent pantry restock competition. The pantry, located in Todd Hall Room 120, supports students facing food and clothing insecurity, a challenge many college students face.
The United States Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for every household member to live an active, healthy life.
According to statistics, national food insecurity among college students reaches as high as 50 percent. Other research indicates that food insecurity affects academic success: Food-insecure students were less likely to finish college, according to a 2022 paper published in Public Health Nutrition.
The MCC drive was successful, said Nedra Bradley, director of parent services and student support, "because of the generous donations and competitive spirit, we collected items for the pantry that's worth approximately $3,800."
Career and Technical Education Program students, including Respiratory Therapy, Precision Machining Engineering Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology, and Business and Office Technology, competed with MLT, donating 910 items. Faculty and Staff teams, including Communications, Math Department, Science and Institutional Effectiveness Departments, Workforce Grants and Development, and Adult Education, also participated, with Adult Education bringing in 410 items.
There is still time to contribute to the pantry, Bradley said.
For more information about the food pantry, contact Wendy Cox, support services coordinator, at 601.484.8836 or email