MCC student Charles Nelson Kimbrough wins top state award

Nelson Kimbrough reviews paperwork with Rhonda Smith, who is the MCC Adult Education College and Career Navigator. Kimbrough is one of five recipients of the Mississippi Association of Adult and Community Education (MAACE) Organization's Students of the Year Award. Goal-oriented and laser-focused, Charles Nelson Kimbrough admits he wanted to get started a little earlier on his path to higher education. 

The Meridianite, who goes by his middle name Nelson, was homeschooled by his dad until he was 16 and promptly enrolled in Meridian Community College's Adult Education Program in June 2022. Within a few weeks, he completed the Smart Start Course sponsored by the Mississippi Community College Board and Office of Adult Education. He enrolled in the College's Career and Technical Education's Welding and Cutting Technology Program through MIBEST, the Mississippi Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training Program, while earning his high school equivalency diploma. 

"I got the GED knocked out, and I went through the nine months of welding studies, two semesters of welding that was just structural," he said. 

But that's not all. Since June 2022, Kimbrough completed his National Career Readiness Certification, OSHA 10-hour Certification, one-year Welding CTE Certificate, and also earned his MIBEST Completer's Certificate.  

At 17, Kimbrough works two jobs and is enrolled in MCC Summer Career and Technical Education Welding Program. “I've always been interested in it," he said about the field and added his instructors, Eric Jones and Jacob Griffith, have been very helpful. 

Nelson Kimbrough, center, with his grandmother and dad, after the Mississippi Association of Adult and Community Education (MAACE) Organization's Students of the Year Award presentation. His hard work and efforts have paid off, and they have captured the attention of others. Kimbrough is one of five recipients of the Mississippi Association of Adult and Community Education (MAACE) Organization's Students of the Year Award. He was presented with the award during the state organization's summer conference for adult education. 

Ultimately, Kimbrough wants to pursue a career in business law and work at his father's business in human resources. 

But first, he wants to get his associate’s degree before he turns 18. 

MCC Adult Education College and Career Navigator Rhonda Smith said Kimbrough was raised by a single father, Charles R. Kimbrough, and his paternal grandmother, Charlotte Kimbrough, both who are very supportive and instrumental in Nelson achieving his goals.  

"Nelson has an encouraging nature towards others and is one of the most well-mannered, kind-hearted young men I've ever met, especially at his age. He also has the brightest smile and gives the biggest hugs anytime he sees me on campus or out in the community,” she said. 

Kimbrough credits the College's Adult Education staffers for their encouragement. "They helped me set my goals up and really figure out what I want to do and how to get there. They helped me figure everything out and gave me an idea of how college would be,” he said. 

And he specifically thanks Smith for her guidance. "She's like my mentor, my second mom right now – taking care of me here," he added. 

She added Kimbrough is a model student for what starting from the beginning to end truly means as success. "His future is bright, and with the education, skills training, and credentials that he earned at MCC, he will have no problem spreading his wings and soaring to higherheights," she added. 

To learn more about GED/High School Equivalency at MCC, call the Adult Education Department at 601-484-8796 or visit