Meet Kimberly Rush
MCC’s Director of Advising and Retention Kimberly Rush continues to discover what
makes the College special: it’s the people.
“I’m very happy to be a part of the MCC family,” Rush said, who joined the College staff in December 2020. Before coming to MCC, she served as an academic advisor at East Mississippi Community College.
Rush holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology from Alabama A&M University. “After graduation, I worked in residential, outpatient and hospital settings providing individual, group and family therapy to individuals with various issues,” she said.
Before moving to Mississippi in 2014, she was an administrator at an alcohol and drug outpatient office in Chattanooga. Since living in Mississippi, she’s worked as an outpatient therapist in a Columbus hospital.
So, what does she like best about her MCC job? Rush said, “meeting people, learning from people and serving others.”