MCCer of the Month for May: Courtney Pitts
Being the overseer for Meridian Community College's youth program, College 4 Kids,
is just one hat that Courtney Pitts wears in her day-to-day tasks.
What's another hat? As the College outreach and communication specialist, Pitts is her department’s communication and data expert. The College 4 Kids gig has her heart; it's the most enjoyable aspect of her job. She relishes seeing how much fun the kids have during the two-week summer experience.
Her dedication and professional attitude have earned her the MCCer of the Month for May award. The MCC Foundation sponsors this monthly award to exemplify the College's hardworking employees who go above and beyond their duties. In addition to a commemorative plaque, honorees are given $250.
"Courtney is always ready to lend a helping hand," said a nominator in explaining why Pitts deserves the accolade.
Her supervisor, Brandon Dewease, associate dean of student engagement, said that Pitts' leadership is paramount to the success of College 4 Kids. "Her organizational skills and dedication to cross all of the t's and dot all the i's are vital to the program running smoothly," he said.
He added, "She does a large cross-section of ‘behind-the-scenes' work that is often tedious and thankless, but she does it well and without complaint.”
Pitts, a native of Enterprise, began working for her alma mater five years ago. She holds an associate of applied science degrees in Medical Office Technology and Coding in Billing Technology, and she graduated from Mississippi State University-Meridian with a bachelor's degree in healthcare services.
She said that what she likes best about the College is how coworkers have become like family.
When she's not working on MCC tasks, Pitts enjoys reading, fishing, and spending time with her family. She and her husband have two children, Cooper, 7, and Bailey, 4.
To learn more about the MCCer of the Month program, visit