MCCer of the Month: Susan Swink

Gathered to present the MCCer of the Month award are Leia Hill, Deanna Smith, Susan
Swink, Dr. Cedric Gathings, Sander Atkinson, and Dr. Tom Huebner.
"I am proud to be at the picnic!"
That phrase sums up what Susan Swink thinks about her job – and she means it. “I am proud to be at MCC, and it's my Picnic. You never know what someone is going through, and it's our job to be there and make a difference," she said.
Swink is an administrative assistant in the Student Affairs division and coordinates the College's mail room tasks. Working for the College for nearly six years, she sees her job as a mission. "Each morning, I ask God to allow me to be a blessing to someone and to make a difference. I pray for this College, our employees, the students, and their families. I love serving others! I get excited each morning driving to work thinking how I can make a difference this day," she said.
Her enthusiasm and service has gained the attention of others for she has been named MCCer of the Month for December. The MCC Foundation sponsors this peer-nominated monthly award; it represents faculty and staff members who are difference-makers. To be selected, the recipient must be a current member of the MCC Foundation and have been employed by the College for at least two years. Recipients are given a $250 honorarium.
Deanna Smith, dean of student affairs and Swink's supervisor, said, "'We are blessed to have Susan as part of our Student Affairs team. Many different things come through our doors, and she always greets everything with a smile and a willingness to help."
Others have noticed, too. A nominator wrote that Swink keeps an eye open for everything in her division. "She intercepts issues regularly. She is tuned in to the department's needs, and if she sees a situation where she can step in with action that will lighten the load of others or more efficiently help students, she moves," the nominator explained.
Swink is a native of Paulding who graduated from Bay Springs High School and earned her associate degree in banking and finance from MCC. She and her husband, Brad, have three sons, three daughters-in-law, two daughters, one son-in-law, three grandchildren, and a Golden Doodle. It's the unconditional love of family that drives her, and it's her deep faith that centers her.
And when she's not at the College working or helping others, she enjoys cooking, spending time with family and friends, hunting and fishing with her husband, and riding their Harley Davidson.
"When I graduated from MCC, I never thought I would be here working one day," Swink said.
She added, "It has been the most rewarding job I have ever had.”