Building on books: Scout project brings book-sharing box

Pausing from their construction of the Little Free Library book-sharing box are Kendrick
Prewitt, Scoutmaster, and Scouts Henry Prewitt, Warren Durgin, Jack Martin, Boston
Hodges, William Hodges and Toby Robbins.
There's a new structure on campus – a book-sharing box, Little Free Library.
Fifteen-year-old Henry Prewitt is working on his Eagle Scout service project, installing three Little Free Library boxes around his hometown of Meridian. Though he and his fellow Scouts from Troop 2 began the two-day installation in July, Prewitt approached MCC President Dr. Tom Huebner earlier this year asking if he could install one somewhere on campus.
The Little Free Library, which resembles a miniature birdhouse, offers a collection of books that anyone can borrow and return. Locating one on MCC's campus in front of Montgomery Hall was purposeful for Prewitt. "Because it's a meeting place of people," he said. The Scout has installed others at the Mississippi Children's Museum in Meridian and the Hope Village.
MCC Librarian Kristi Williamson said she's excited to see this project come to be. “It's a tangible symbol of our commitment to fostering a love for reading and empowering our students and community residents through knowledge," she said. Williams is serving as the campus liaison for the project.
To learn more about the Little Free Library on the MCC campus, contact Williams at; 601.484.8761.