Jennifer Whitlock: Queen City Race for Life and Street Strut Ambassador

Jennifer WhitlockWhen Jennifer Whitlock discovered she had breast cancer, she was in her Meridian Community College office. 

Now nearly five years of that cancer diagnosis behind her, this director of Adult Education continues to move forward, sharing her story and determination with others. 

It was at an annual mammogram where Whitlock discovered she had breast cancer. Test later determined it was at stage 2. “I was scared, but I had faith that God would bring me through this,” she said. 

She endured four rounds of chemotherapy that’s named Red Devil and 16 weeks of more chemo. “Afterwards, I had a lumpectomy and radiation and six rounds of oral chemo,” Whitlock said. 

Though it all, she continued to work, and she credits her MCC Adult Education colleagues, who she calls, “my Adult Ed family,” for their help. Her family and friends played significant roles in her recovery, too. “Jokingly, my mom told me to get up every morning and put your lipstick on. And actually, it did! It made me feel better about my appearance, as I had lost all my hair, even my eyelashes,” Whitlock said. 

Plus, her sister and one of her best friends had gone through breast cancer. “So, they helped me keep things in perspective,” Whitlock added. 

Another motivator for Whitlock is that her only grandchild was born a couple of days after she was diagnosed. “That was an inspiration for me,” she added. 

Words of wisdom Whitlock shares are ones that were passed along to her. “Some days, there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway!” 

“I’m still singing,” she added.