Finances, food, fun: Financial Aid participates in celebration

Greeting guests are Financial Aid staffers Taylor Croley, Lauren Stokes, Nedra Bradley, Lily Hatampa, Whitney Ross Stevens and Willie Davis.Greeting guests are Financial Aid staffers Taylor Croley, Lauren Stokes, Nedra Bradley, Lily Hatampa, Whitney Ross Stevens and Willie Davis.

Taking its cue from the national organization, the National Association of Student Financial Aid and Administrators, MCC’s Financial Aid department is celebrating Financial Aid Awareness Month in February.

“It’s an effort to help students be made aware of the information about access to federal, state, and institutional aid,” said Nedra Bradley, MCC financial aid director.

Each week, the College’s financial aid team will offer a unique theme event that will include giveaways – and special treats to eat. There will also be a $500 scholarship giveaway.

“We want to show them that financial aid can be helpful and fun,” Bradley added.

Learn More about MCC Financial Aid