New employee program to develop leaders
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy
Ten Meridian Community College faculty and staff members have been selected as the first group of participants in a newly-created leadership and professional development program, Eagles Leadership Convocation.
The nine-month program will help hone communication, leadership, and team-building skills that can improve the College and create opportunities for personal growth and success, said Leia Hill, vice president for institutional advancement and executive director of the MCC Foundation.
Named to the leadership program are Tony Boutwell, director of visual media; Mitch Brantley, guitar instructor; Cyndi Bratu, administrative assistant to the chief financial officer; An Howard Hill, Culinary Arts Technology Program coordinator and instructor; Brandy Hill, Foundation accountant II; Mandy Hurtt, director of recruiting; Victoria Liddell, Out of School Youth director and navigator; Whitney Stevens, assistant financial aid director; Marlo Turner, payroll manager; and Kristi Williamson, circulation/catalog librarian. The participants were nominated by their respective MCC vice presidents.
“I’ve always wanted to do a leadership program, but I hadn’t had the opportunity until now,” said Boutwell. “Since this is on campus, this seems like a great thing to do,” he added.
The topics studied in this one-day-per-month program will include critical thinking and problem solving, legal issues and human resources, customer service and conflict resolution, and diversity and inclusion. Participants will receive a leadership book, a specially-branded shirt, medallion, certificate, and a $500 stipend after completing the program.
Williamson is thankful for the opportunity. “What an honor! I am stoked about learning all the inner workings of MCC and honing my leadership skills while in this program,” she added.