Communications team wins state PR awards


MCC’s College Communications department won three awards – first, second, and third place - in the 2022 College Public Relations Association of Mississippi (CPRAM) conference.

CPRAM is a consortium of public relations professionals employed at Mississippi’s public and private colleges and universities. Two divisions comprise CPRAM, senior, including universities and colleges, and junior, which make up the 15 state community colleges.

College Communications team members include Tony Boutwell, Christopher Haralson, Desi Leeper, Amy Miller, Matthew Milner, Lauren Pratt, Jet Scarbrough, Joy Smith, and Kay Thomas.

Leia Hill, vice president for institutional advancement and executive director of the MCC Foundation, noted the department consistently and continually works as a team to put the College’s image in the best possible light. “Exceptionalism is the standard for them in all areas,” Hill said.

First place award went to Pratt for MCC’s Institutional Facebook Page; second place went to Boutwell, Milner, Dr. Tommy Winston, and Jesse Harrison for Change Your Future Television Spot; and third place went to Thomas for A Long Road for MCC Nursing Student Feature Story.