Resource fair brings agencies and MCCers together

The campus community connects with personnel from various agencies during the Spring
Semester 2024 resource fair.
Connecting students with helpful resources was the reasoning behind Meridian Community College's Resource Fair, and with representatives from 26 agencies coming to campus, that networking opportunity was a reality.
"This is one of my favorite events," said Shaquita Hopson Alfonso, MCC associate director of advising and retention. She and others from the College's Student Affairs Division, including Parent Services and Student Support, helped to organize the event. "Bringing in other people and resources makes a difference for our students," she said.
Alfonso added, "There are so many things MCC can help students with – and we have many MCC representatives at the resource fair." This resource fair also allows us to give them connections to help them."
One of those connections was a table staffed by personnel from Sarver Wireless, an Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provider. "This event is wonderful," said David Loyd, community services with Sarver Wireless. ACP is a Federal Communications Commission benefit program that helps households afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare, and more.
A Fall Semester 2024 Resource Fair is being planned.
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