MCC students connect with legislators

More than 20 Meridian Community College students visited the capitol in Jackson, taking a behind-the-scenes look at the workings of the legislative branch of state government.

More than 20 Meridian Community College students visited the capitol in Jackson, taking a behind-the-scenes look at the workings of the legislative branch of state government. 

For these students, along with MCC faculty, staff, and administrators, it was not just the chance to tour the House of Representatives and Senate. Still, it was an opportunity to speak with lawmakers and lobbyists. "Students had the experience to connect with the people who represent them," said Brandon Dewease, MCC associate dean of student engagement. 

He added that it was important for the decision-makers to meet the individuals affected by those decisions face-to-face. 

"We're happy to welcome you to the Senate," said Sen. Rod Hickman. Rep. Charles Young Jr. echoed those sentiments as he spoke to the students about legislative processes. 

"The job I like most is serving you. Community colleges have a special place in my heart. One of the best things our state has going for it are the community colleges,” added Sen. Jeff Tate to the MCC delegation. Sen. Tate noted he was a 20-year-old student at MCC when he was elected to his first office – election commissioner. 

For MCC sophomore Christian Valazques, 20, of Chunky, the legislators’ messages and their examples were thought-provoking. “It was inspiring to see that a regular person with any political interest can go into politics and help others,” he added.