Hard work, determination pay off for Parten with nurse foundation scholarship

Camryn Parten, right, is congratulated on receiving her scholarship from MCC Associate
Degree Nursing Instructors Tara Coody, left, and Kristy Dickerson, and Mississippi
Nurses Foundation Executive Director Amanda Crawford.
Now in her third semester of study, Meridian Community College Associate Degree Nursing Student Camryn Parten is nearing one of her goals: to become a nurse.
"I have always known I wanted to pursue a career in the medical field. I enjoy being hands-on and having direct patient-care experience. I knew that nursing would be a perfect fit for these desires," she said.
Because of her dedication and demonstrated hard work, Parten received the Mississippi Nurses Foundation $1,000 scholarship and was ecstatic she was chosen. "It reminded me that hard work, determination, and effort pay off and motivated me to continue pushing towards my goals," she said.
Parten, 20, of Collinsville, graduated with an associate of arts degree from MCC in 2021 and was an H.M. Ivy Scholarship recipient as well as a member of the Phil Hardin Honors College at Meridian Community College and a member of the academic honor society Phi Theta Kappa. This summer, she received the Anderson Board of Directors Scholarship.
Before beginning the nursing program, Parten worked as a scribe in an hospital emergency department. "I quickly fell in love with the atmosphere, teamwork, and the opportunity to have a hand in saving a life. I have always wanted to return to that side of the nursing field when I obtain my degree,” she added.
After becoming a registered nurse, Parten wants to continue her studies with the Registered Nurse-Master of Science in Nursing program through the University of Mississippi Medical Center while working as a nurse at Anderson Regional Medical Center. She hopes to become a nurse practitioner.
Parten credits the College for helping her find her wings. "MCC is preparing me for my future goals by giving me the opportunity to learn more academically, be hands-on in the hospital, rewarding me with scholarships such as this one to aid me along my journey through school, and most importantly, always encouraging me to continue pursuing my dreams."