Brewers found their careers in education arena thanks to MCC

Alumni Elliot and Betsy Brewer fondly recall their days at MCC.
Husband and wife duo Elliot Brewer and Betsy Mitchell Brewer began their collegiate
journey at Meridian Community College, paving the way for successful careers in the
educational arena.
"I’m so glad that I did attend MCC. I was able to get involved in so many different organizations. I loved everything about my time at MCC," said Betsy. Elliot added he came to MCC to take advantage of the College's signature Tuition Guarantee Program. He graduated with an associate of arts degree from MCC in 2007, and a year later, Betsy earned her associate of arts degree from the College.
Today, Betsy is employed with the Lauderdale County School District (LCSD) as a speech language pathologist with certification through the American Speech Language and Hearing Association. "I primarily work with preschoolers and complete developmental testing. Now entering his 15th year as an educator with LCSD, Elliot said he is transitioning jobs from the head principal of West Lauderdale Elementary to his new role as Assistant Principal of Northeast Middle School.
Betsy has a bachelor of science degree in speech language pathology and audiology and a master of science degree in speech language pathology from the University of Southern Mississippi. Elliot holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a master’s degree in educational leadership from Mississippi State University. High school sweethearts, who have been married 13 years, the Brewers have three children, Mitchell and Caroline, 7-year-old twins, and 2-year-old Beau rounds out the family.
It was a career interest test that Elliot took while at MCC that pointed him to a career in education.
Both Brewers were active on campus and fondly recall their days at the College. "I was a part of the performing groups, Encore and Dimensions; I was also an Ivy League recruiter and acted in numerous productions in the McCain Theater," Elliot said. "My favorite memories of my time at MCC were definitely performing with Encore and Dimensions," Betsy added.
Elliot said his advice for those considering college is simple. "Find something you can study and achieve employment on the other side," he said. He also noted that MCC offers a multitude of different options. "They are the best possible option for anyone considering a degree path or a certificate program," he said.
“A traditional college degree is definitely not for everyone, but an education is. A degree or certificate, either one can be earned at MCC," Elliot added.
Betsy echoed the sentiments. "MCC has so many options to explore in the area of workforce development and certifications," she said, adding, “Going to MCC is without a doubt one of the best choices I have made.
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