Medical Assisting Technology


This 65 credit-hour program gives students the knowledge and skills to help ensure job placement into the ever-growing medical field. Medical Assisting Technology is a multi-skilled health education profession whose practitioners work primarily in ambulatory settings, such as medical offices and clinics.

Medical Assistants function as members of the health care delivery team and perform both business administrative and clinical procedures.

The business administrative duties include scheduling and receiving patients; obtaining patients’ data; maintaining medical records; handling telephone calls, correspondence, reports, and manuscripts; assuming responsibility for office care; and handling insurance matters, office accounts, fees, and collections.

The clinical duties include preparing patients for examination, obtaining vital signs, taking medical histories, assisting with examinations and treatments, performing routine office laboratory procedures and electrocardiograms, preparing and administrating medications and immunizations, sterilizing instruments and equipment for office procedures, and instructing patients in preparation of X-ray and laboratory examinations. 

Admission Checklist (PDF)

To meet graduation requirements for this program, students must successfully complete the specified courses listed below with a “C” average (GPA of 2.00) or better. A grade of “C” or higher is required in each MET course to progress in the program. Courses must be taken sequentially and competencies stated in each course syllabus must be met.

Admission is competitive, and specific admission requirements must be met. All requirements and required application materials are due by May 1, preceding the fall admission desired. The deadline will be extended, if needed, until maximum enrollment is met.The MET Admissions Committee will select each year’s class from the pool of applicants who meet minimum admission requirements. Any application with incomplete records will not be considered for admission. The admission process is competitive, and completion of minimum requirements is not a guarantee of admission. Priority consideration for admission will be given as follows:

  1. In-district students who complete program prerequisites and/or general education coursework at MCC;

  2. Out-of-district students who complete program prerequisites and/or general education coursework at MCC;

  3. Mississippi residents who complete program prerequisites and/or general education coursework elsewhere;

  4. Out-of-state students check with the Health Education advisor for selection details and deadlines.

After program admission and prior to classes beginning, students must present an American Heart Association CPR Healthcare Provider certification and proof of immunization for MMR. A background check, a Mantoux Two-Step TB Skin Test, and a random drug screening will be scheduled after enrollment. All students admitted into the program will be required to pay for fingerprinting and a background check, which will be performed after admission and prior to clinical laboratories. These fees will be attached as registration fees. There are certain convictions that will prevent an individual from being eligible to participate in clinical experiences. If a student is unable to participate in clinical experiences, he/she will be dismissed from the Program. For additional information, contact the health education counselor or your advisor.

Course Number Course Description Hours
BIO 2513 Anatomy and Physiology I 3
BIO 2511 Anatomy and Physiology I Lab 1
BIO 2523 Anatomy and Physiology II 3
BIO 2521 Anatomy and Physiology II, Lab 1
CSC 1123 Computer Applications I 3
  Total Hours 11
Course Number Course Description Hours
MET 1113 Medical Terminology 3
MET 1313 Clinical Procedures I 3
MET 1513 Pharmacology for Medical Assistants 3
MET 1413 Medical Law and Ethics 3
MET 1911 Medical Assisting Technology Seminar I 1
PSY 1513 General Psychology 3
  Semester Hours 16
Course Number Course Description Hours
MET 1214 Medical Business Practices 4
MET 1323 Clinical Procedures II 3
MET 2224 Computer Concepts for Medical Assistants  4
MET 2234   Medical Insurance 4
MET 1921 Medical Assisting Technology Seminar II 1
ENG 1113 English Composition I 3
  Semester Hours 19
Course Number Course Description Hours
MET 2334 Medical Lab for Medical Assistants 4
MET 2613 Clinical Review 3
MET 2715 Practicum 5
MET 1931 Medical Assisting Technology Seminar III 1
SPT 1113 Public Speaking 3
  Humanities/Fine Arts 3
  Semester Hours 19
Total Semester Hours 65**
**Includes prerequisite courses

Accreditation: The Medical Assisting Technology Program at Meridian Community College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB).

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
  • 9355 113th St. N, #7709, Seminole, FL 33775

The Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in Medical Assisting requires programs to maintain and make available to the public current and consistent summary information about student/graduate achievement. The Medical Assisting Technology Program at Meridian Community College shares the following outcome results as reported in the MAERB Annual Report.

Cumulative 84.78% 100.00% 100.00%
 Year Retention
Exam Participation
Exam Passage
2022 62.50% 100.00% 100.00%
2021 75.00% 100.00% 100.00%
2020 88.89% 100.00% 100.00%
2019 88.89% 100.00% 100.00%
2018 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

MCC's Medical Assisting Technology program is a program that meets the education requirements for a Medical Assistant in MS and qualifies graduates to take the; Certified Medical Assistant exam through the American Association of Medical Assistants or the National Certified Medical Assistant exam through the National Center for Competency Testing.

Determinations about whether the Medical Assisting Technology program at MCC meets the state education requirements for US States, Territories, and the District of Columbia can be found here.



For more informationFor more information:
Gloria Adams, Coordinator

For more informationFor more information:
Jimmyia Smith, Advisor 